The graduated student of this program will have the skills to implement  new tendencies in the area of teaching and he/she will be able to  apply new practices into the classroom including  issues as inclusiveness, implementing  new practices, also the experience in the use of the TICs , such as Internet, will be helpful in his/her area of specialization.

Research Topics will be included into the modules, the idea is to make students clear that there are educational problems in which he/she will need to experiment. Those will be experimented both inside and outside of classroom settings, and the proposal of research projects   of the students need to tackle regional and national issues in which the student will be able to apply all the methodologies learnt in the module.

The graduated student also will be able to participate in Teaching training and researchers training in future programs of education. Also, he/she will be able to develop new materials and the promotion of new tendencies of research and to publish results of research in national and international journals.


Para egresar del programa de posgrado, el estudiante deberá de haber cubierto satisfactoriamente con:

  • Constancia de certificación de dominio del inglés de TOEFL o equivalente con un puntaje entre los 450 y 619 puntos en evaluación escrita en base a los Parámetros de Referencia Lingüística (SEP, 2012-2018).
  • Estar al corriente con el 100% de los pagos de la colegiatura y trámites de titulación.
  • Haber aprobado los cursos que comprenden el 100% del programa con promedio mínimo de 80.
  • Deberá contar con la tesis o proyecto formativo equivalente a tesis aprobado por el director, para que sea presentado al Comité académico y éste realice su valoración y dictamen.
  • Haber realizado la defensa de tesis, publicación o proyecto formativo equivalente a tesis.